Greater Houston Schools

Of the 1,470 schools in Greater Houston, we’ve discovered over 200 schools that have church partners!* 

HOW TO SEARCH for a school near you.

  • Click on the frame  in the top right corner of the map to open a full-screen searchable map.
  • Click on an icon for information on a specific school. Blue stars are schools with known partners; orange diamonds are schools without known partners.
  • Green squares are organizations serving students in their community.

As you consider which school(s) to partner with, these School Rankings published by CHILDREN AT RISK offer detailed information on every school in Greater Houston and can help you prioritize.

* Please note that Loving Houston does not take credit for any of the known partnerships. Our hope is that by celebrating existing partnerships, more churches will be encouraged and inspired to begin new partnerships. If you know of another church or organization serving a local school, please let us know!

Approximately half the schools in Cy-Fair ISD have community partners — including many church partners! However, we are honoring their request not to publish information about specific partnerships.

Schools with current partners may still have opportunities for volunteers to serve. Contact the school or school district directly to determine partnership opportunities.




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